On End and Perfection
C. On End and Perfection
1. God is the end, that is to say, the perfection
of all that has existed from the beginning
until the end by virtue of concordance.
2. The end cannot consist in perfection
in the absence of the perfecter, the perfected and the union
wherein they cannot be destroyed.
3. The end could not have consisted in goodness
were the bonifier, which pertained to its <very> essence,
not to have obtained therein.
4. God has provided the entire world with an end,
since He has caused it to partake in Him
insofar as He became incarnate in man.
5. He who fails to receive from the end
that wherein lies the greatest perfection,
knows not in what choice consists.
6. Whoever wishes to choose from the end
that which he desires most,
can obtain it by means of the middle.
7. The end possesses such a great abundance
of goodness and perfection
that there is no room therein for evil or sin.
8. The greatest end that can be conceived
consists in deification within deity
and virtuous (lit. “good”) love within will.
9. He who loves <his> greatest end
in God, rather than in money or in relatives,
proceeds towards <that> end along a straight path.
10. Alas, I see so many men who deviate
from their end, since they refuse to honour
God, Who entreats one to love!