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On God

Instàncies de la traducció

I. On God

1. O Divine Being! You are God by reason of the operation
You enjoy within You, just as you are God by reason of Your existence;
because in You no accident can reside.
2. Were you not God in Your operation,
yet were God in Your existence,
You would be a lesser God in Your love.
3. You are God on account of Your goodness,
and are Your goodness on account of Your deity,
and You are God on account of their unity.
4. If in goodness there did not reside deifying,
and if in deity there not reside bonifying,
God would not be God by reason of His operation.
5. You are one God on account of Your unity,
just as You are God on account of Your deity,
and You are loving on account of Your will.
6. Infinite good could not reside in God
were He not, within His goodness, to possess bonifying
in virtue of His understanding and loving.
7. That being who is called God
must necessarily be without sin,
without time and without quantity.
8. If idleness were present in God with respect to
His greatness and goodness,
in Him would sin necessarily reside.
9. So generous is God with His name
that He has assigned that of “God” to the Christ-man,
to Whom I offer my entire self and possessions.
10. I worship you, O God, in Your majesty
of deifier, deifiable and deified,
all three distinct within <Your> Trinity.
Traducció següent II. O Essence! On God's Essence