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On Innocence

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LXXVII. On Innocence

1. God is innocent
because He consists in what constitutes the perfection
of goodness and judgement.
2. Innocence and holiness
have entered into great partnership
with justice and mercy.
3. God is innocent as regards <His> will,
for never has He loved sin
or been angered by virtue.
4. Since God consists in infinite power
of goodness and will,
He cannot be guilty of anything.
5. Were God not to operate by reason of <His> goodness
as much as He does by reason <His> will,
He would have sinned with respect to <such> goodness.
6. Whoever is capable of understanding yet fails to do so,
does damage to his intellect
when he commits sins or transgressions.
7. He who desires <to commit> transgressions and sins,
<as well as> falsehoods and faithless deeds
does damage to his will.
8. Everyone who loves gold and his family more
than he does virtuous (lit. “good”) remembering and understanding
does damage to himself.
9. Damage which is spiritual
is much greater than that which is bodily (i.e. physical)
for thereby does man lose more of his riches.
10. Whoever is capable of honouring God
yet fails to do so, does damage
to himself as well as to the people <in general>.