Vés al contingut

On Production

Instàncies de la traducció

XXXI. On Production

1. O God, Who from nothing hast produced
everything You have placed in creation!
I seek to love You above all that exists.
2. The bonifiable and bonificativity
must necessarily produce bonifying,
since the bonifier and the bonifiable are possessed of being (i.e. are in existence).
3. Were <God> to be powerful yet fail to produce,
He would be idle for eternity,
and His goodness and love would be wanting.
4. In no being can production exist
wherein there fails to obtain <any> difference
or capacity (lit. “power”) for individuation (i.e. the constitution of an individual).
5.  In the encounter between greatness and goodness,
which pertains to magnifying and the <thing> bonified,
production must necessarily be present.
6. Without production, nobody can love,
nor can he understand or remember,
nor can he possess the power to sense or to exist.
7. Were production not to be infinite,
it would not consist in greatness of goodness,
because it would be finite in terms of <its> operability.
8. Were production not to obtain between the understander and the <thing> understood,
understanding could not constitute anything <at all>,
nor would the purpose (lit. “end”) of understanding be what it is. 
9. The production of love’s act between the lover and the beloved,
who are equal in greatness of goodness,
consists in a production performed by the will.
10. The production of understanding by necessity,
is more loveable than is <its production> according to authority,
because it better represents the truth.