Vés al contingut

On Sustaining

Instàncies de la traducció

XL. On Sustaining

1. Since the end for which God has created the world
consists in greatness of power and goodness,
the entire world is sustained by this end.
2. This end consists in remembering,
knowing, loving and honouring God,
as well as in His deification for the sake of man.
3. For this purpose (lit. “end”) is man sustained
in virtue against sin
and travels along the path to salvation.
4. The man who is deified (i.e. Jesus Christ)
is sustained by God the Son,
so that in Him He may enjoy personhood.
5. He who desires to sustain his love
by doing good, must not sin,
for sin causes love to disappear.
6.  Man sustains his memory intact (lit. “sustains his good memory”)
by means of understanding and love,
wherein he commits no sin.
7. Great goodness cannot be sustained
without the bonifier, bonifying and the bonified,
which pertain to its very essence.
8. Love is better sustained
by equality between the worthy lover and the worthy beloved
than it is by their inequality.
9. Faith, hope, charity,
justice, patience and compassion,
sustain man in virtue against sin.
10. Whoever is faithful to all people
and whoever judges himself when he sins,
sustains his virtuous (lit. “good”) thoughts.