Vés al contingut

On Existence

Instàncies de la traducció

IX. On Existence

1. O King, Who in existing art one God!
in generating You are God
and in spirating You are God.[1]
2. Between exister and existing
there obtains a very great concordance
of entifier and entifying.[2]
3. Power exists within love
and love exists within possifying[3]
and the infinite exists within infinitising.
4. Power, wisdom and will
exist within God in unity
of essence, nature and deity.[4]
5. Greatness exists within goodness,
and goodness exists within eternity
and God is good and eternal in infinity.
6. God is abundant
in glory and the glorious,
for which glory He has created us.
7. Since in God there exists judgement,
compassion and forgiveness,
we ought to live in both fear and hope.
8. Since in God there exists truth,
the man who abides in falsehood
cannot live in a loveable condition.
9. Since in God there exists equality
between <His> intelligibility and <His> being loveable,
man is obliged to love and to understand.
10. My heart is deeply saddened,
since, despite my prayers, I cannot obtain honour
for God, Who is worthy of great praise.

[2] Correlatives of the verb deriving from the Old Catalan noun ens (being/existence), which correlatives unfold the dynamic activity of Being.

[3] “Possifying” is one of the correlative terms deriving from the Old Catalan noun (and one of the Lullian Dignities) potestat (power), which correlatives unfold the dynamic activity thereof.

[4] Power, Wisdom and Will form a triad of principles or “Dignities” (of which there are initially 18 and subsequently 9 in the versions of Llull’s Art) which signify God’s attributes, a triad represented by the letters E.F.G. and frequently used within the present work to construct the versicles.

Traducció anterior VIII. O Singular One! On Singularity
Traducció següent X. O Operator! On Operating