On Greatness
XXI. On Greatness
1. O God, Who art as great in Your magnifying
as You are infinite and eternal in Your existing!
You are great and perfect in Your existence and operation.
2. Greatness is great in bestowing
its magnifying upon bonifying
so that goodness may be great.
3. Greatness is great on account of its lending concordance to
<the> magnifier, <the> magnificable and magnifying,
free from <the> minifier, <the> minifiable and minifying.
4. The great and greatness which enjoy equality
of power, wisdom and will
cannot be wanting in any good.[1]
5. God is so great in power, wisdom and will
that He is capable of achieving everything He knows <all> by Himself,
so long as it please His will and His wisdom.[2]
6. Were greatness to lack <the act of> originating (lit. “beginning”),[3]
the power of greatness could not operate properly
and greatness would be meagre in terms of <its> magnifying.
7. Greatness is greater in <the> goodness
of wisdom and of will,
than <it is> in <that of> gold, empire or kingdom.
8. Whoever is loved by God is great
and whoever abides in sin is small,
as is he who receives an excess of honours.
9. Will is great in <its> understanding,
and understanding is great in <its> loving,
and love is great in <its> remembering.